
Rules to live by...

Difficult or Lonely Christmas

Humility, being loved, being vulnerable.

Refreshing tides

Stigmas & Stereotypes are stupid: live well.

Brightened my outlook

Better try and fail, or not to try?

Daring Greatly: vulnerability, scarcity, shame and people who matter

Disagree for the right reasons!

Do not remain indifferent

Traveling Book Project

What 'greens' you?

Profound truth from a clever lazy man; Nasr-ed-din Hodja parable

Empathy: What's going on that you can't see?

Choose your friends, and when to listen...

Angry over what? Opportunity!

Mono: what's my 'one thing'?

Post-cynicism: make a personal commitment, make a change

Bigger brushes

Be prepared! Stuff happens.

Discern plan, work, enjoy the benefits, share: practical wisdom

Traveller, or tourist?

We read deeply...

Independent Bookstores: CNN's list, and a few of mine

Perpetual unfeeling, uncaring; depression as described by one, with pictures.

Smart phones change how we communicate, in more ways than we may realise

Staying in the conversation: Religious differences

What to wear? Communication and relationship may be the consequence.

Stay in the Conversation

Critical roaches: Jealousy, disagreement or ignorance

It's an illness.

All in different directions, but following Jesus?

Caption this...

Living Incarnationally: A Review of Sacrilege by Hugh Halter

Controversy? Yeah, whatever.

A friend...

Write better emails: get better response

Post-Christian America

Grounded questions. Rich stories. Deep change: Mark Strom at TEDx

Eavesdropping again:

Pattison's Inspector Shan series; more than just fiction

Courageous humble Pope retires to make way for capable leadership

Hospitality & Vulnerability

Sports families

Book List: Spiritual Recommendations

Blogs and Bloggers

Prepare for the difficult times . . .

RSS feeds blog content straight into your InBox: life outside of Facebook