Difficult or Lonely Christmas

There’s no such thing as a PERFECT Christmas or New Year’s.

Stop seeking the elusive.
Muster the courage to enjoy whatever little glimpses
or joys or beauties there may be.


How have your circumstances changed since last Christmas?

Drastically? Incrementally?

For the better, or not?

As we go about our business, it might be easier on those we care about if we realised that Christmas and holidays are not always jolly celebrations.

We know people for whom this is likely to be their last Christmas. They may be aware of it, or those closest to them may be harbouring that thought. It will cast a shadow, to some degree, over how they go about these next days and weeks.

Others are eager for the holidays to be behind us all because they feel they have little to celebrate this year. Losses have changed things for them in ways we may not consider as wish them a Merry Christmas.

1.) Celebrations are good.    
2.) Lives and losses worth grieving are good too.

Those "good" things may not be obviously or easily compatible.

Let's Handle With Care those we care about.

Struggling through Christmas? Plan ahead!  
If you know Christmas is going to be difficult for you this year, make a plan now to make it as survivable as possible.

You may not be able to get home, or you may have a broken relationship, or have lost a dear loved one, or just can't cope with the hubbub of big groups. You may be in the dog box or have no money to do anything special or have kids who are celebrating with their other parent.

I remember sitting at an intersection in tears one Christmas, knowing I was welcome several places, but not feeling at home in any of them. It happens. Holidays are not always jolly-days.

Some options:

You can find ways to cocoon yourself and ignore the whole thing, though that will mean little or no access to TV, internet or radio. One friend considered going to a country where Christmas wasn't celebrated! You could get enough books or videos to last 2-3 days. Plan healthy snacks with a few special nibbles.

Another option might be to involve yourself in a project you enjoy and want to do anyway. Get out those paints, that puzzle, book or toolbox . . . glue gun, knitting needles, sewing machine or model airplane.

 You have to plan ahead though. Make sure you have all the supplies you'll need so as not to add to your frustration on the day. 

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