Butter or Margarine?

For a good understanding of good fats and bad fats, check out Jenny Bowden's Healthiest Choice: Butter or Margarine?

Jenny provides a chart for comparisons and a bit of personal experience. The way Jenny describes nutrition makes it accessible and interesting. She doesn't get on a high horse and give a list of forbidden fruits. In fact, she's pro fruit, and veg ad exercise, as they all are.

Jenny's a friend and interesting to read, so hop on over to Thinking Nutrition and search for the topics that interest you.


Woven and Spun said…
Thanks for that link Jill. I was hoping she'd swing the other way though & say that butter is better. I respectfully disagree with the view that margarine is better. I've been reading more & more lately about the benefits of butter (esp. cultured organic butter) & the not so great things about margarine. http://www.bodyecology.com/07/07/05/benefits_of_real_butter.php
And honestly, NOTHING beats toast with butter & vegemite . . . gonna have some now in fact!