It's Summertime where I'm traveling right now and I'm not finding time to write much.
When I do, I'll catch you up on the conversations I've been having, and overhearing.
Right now, I'm watching geese harass a fisherman by a quiet lake.
Tapping out blog posts on a tiny phone keypad is more frustrating than satisfying. I'll fill in the blanks for you, at a more opportune time.
In what conversations are you participating?
At what intersections have you arrived or crossed through?
- Posted using BlogPress on the go, so pardon dodgy formatting or spelling. I couldn't wait!
When I do, I'll catch you up on the conversations I've been having, and overhearing.
Right now, I'm watching geese harass a fisherman by a quiet lake.
Tapping out blog posts on a tiny phone keypad is more frustrating than satisfying. I'll fill in the blanks for you, at a more opportune time.
In what conversations are you participating?
At what intersections have you arrived or crossed through?
- Posted using BlogPress on the go, so pardon dodgy formatting or spelling. I couldn't wait!