Blog comes from web log.
You know, write a web log of your life, experiences, expertise, peeves or interests?
If you do, you'll want to peruse the content of Problogger, by Darren Rowse, an Australian good guy who teaches bloggers how to improve their game and their business.
"Back in 2002 I stumbled upon an article about ‘Blogging’. I didn’t know it at the time but that moment changed my life. Since then I've become a full time blogger and have blogged on over 20 blogs.
Darren is the founder and editor of ProBlogger Blog Tips - Digital Photography School - TwiTip Twitter Tips - FeelGooder. Learn more about him here and follow him on Twitter at @ProBlogger.
From ProBlogger, "Don’t worry – there’s no big dollar training program to buy…. but I do have a book. In 2008 I was approached by the publisher Wiley who asked me to write a book version of this blog. I joined with fellow blogger Chris Garrett and together we authored ProBlogger the Book. In short – it’s a condensed, updated and logically ordered version of this blog – specifically written for new bloggers (or those wanting to start blogging)."