Travel: Intentional, Inspirational.

We've heard from various watchdogs on how our travel impacts the world. It's true that tourism can provide huge benefits for the poor, and can endanger lifestyles and species that are fragile. We are asked on booking sites if we want to "offset our carbon footprint" or contribute to protective charities; possibly only feel good options, but is there another way?

Consider ‘voluntourism' or service travel. Gap years are no longer exclusive to students or philanthropic celebrities. With a new generation of ‘sabbat-packers' taking advantage of unpaid leave to do something challenging, more people than ever before are looking to take an inspirational and constructive break.

"Every time you make an effort, you shift the world-and cause change in bigger ways than you imagined possible." - Andrew Mersmann, author of Frommer's 500 Places Where You Can Make a Difference

Frommer’s 500 Places Where You Can Make a Difference is a worldwide compendium of volunteer vacations and service travel opportunities. Most of the suggested trips can be done in two weeks or less, and there are several that take only a day. From teaching music at a girls’ rock and roll camp in Texas or protecting grey whales in British Columbia, to restoring a Buddhist monastery in Nepal or assisting at a refugee camp in Kenya, this unique and detailed guide has ideas to suit every personality and age range.

Celebrity-inspired charitable work, special deals given by hotels and resorts for volunteers, trips for younger or older generations, and a guide to deciding if this type of travel is right for you, round out the pages. Voluntourism provides an opportunity to give back to the communities you visit while having a truly authentic cultural experience away from home.

Make a profound difference in how you travel next year.

Get out of the resort and out of your comfort zone.

Voluntourism is a hot topic, but what do you need to know before you try to fit some altruism into your vacation? Andrew Mersmann, author of Frommer's 500 Places Where You Can Make a Difference, joins host Kelly Regan to discuss volunteer vacations and offer his advice on asking smart questions before you go, choosing the right experience for yourself and your trip, and knowing what to expect from the trip.
Read the transcript.

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You can learn more at Andrew's blog:
