Vasectomy: Input Anyone?

A friend whom I will not name has used his Facebook options quite well in asking for advice.

...... looking for recommendations for a good vasectomy doc.
+1 point if he/she did yours well,
+ 2 extra points if he did his own (true story...happens more than you would think),
-1 point if there was serious pain/swelling,
-5 points if you have a post-vasectomy child.
So far he has had 32 comments, one from his wife who didn't think FB was the place for that particular discussion.

Many of the comments gave him info to consider when making his decision. One referred to a doctor named Rusty Hatchett living in a small town in Indiana.

So, there you go, all of you who think FB is just a nasty social virus and of no good at all!


Anonymous said…
No disrespect intended to the prospective "V" patient's wife, but it seems to me that in this day of anything-goes on the information web and "truth-in-advertising" on the dating sites; intellectual, unemotional discussion, on an open forum was a good idea.

Knee-jerk reactions are very often wrong and experienced minds may offer valuable in-put.

Good luck to the prospective patient and to his wife, too.
Carpe said…
There are several reasons I posted about the vasectomy. What I have found is that there are lots of folks, on FB or otherwise, who are eager to connect about common life experiences. For me, I'm past the stages of college, dating, wedding planning, first child, second child, 15 year high school reunion, etc...this step is where my wife and I are, and folks relate to that. Aside from getting some good candid advice on who has handled vasectomies with care, so to speak, it has given me an opportunity to covertly understand that people are concerned about where I am enough to engage me on it. They may not realize what they are doing, but in many respects, they are giving me an opportunity to use humor or otherwise to say, "you know, I'm a little nervous about this...anybody had any experiences that might put my mind at ease?" Perhaps, one of my friends will read it and not feel like they have to be secretive about their nervousness or about a decision that has been made by millions of men. So-called "icky conversations" are good to have, so long as they are productive and constructive. For me, it has been both. True, it was a slightly veiled attempt to surround myself with people for passage through one of life's gateways; the one that will render me unable to have any more children; surgery in a place I hold rather dear. For me, it absolutely served its purpose...for others, it simply entertained. For both, I'm grateful.

Switching from procreation to recreation,
