Letterman: Who is the Victim?

David Letterman neutralised the threat of extortion last nite during a portion of his monologue by exposing many details of a $2 million dollar blackmail threat against him. A male CBS producer had information that he was threatening to make into a screenplay and film to expose Letterman's sexual encounters with women on his Late Show staff. Letterman met his wife and a former girlfriend on his staff, so that is not a new pattern for him.

I saw Letterman's show last night, heard him confuse his audience as they were not sure what was fact or joke.

Nearly full disclosure saves Letterman from some surprises. Again, he is in the driver's seat of his life. How this affects him at home with his wife and 6 year old son, or on his employment with the network, is still unclear.

Letterman is being labeled as a victim. In what way is he a victim?
He has made most of the choices in the situation, some choices he didn't run to willingly, of course.

Who is the victim in this situation?
