Traveling Thoughts

Wifi hotspots are available at handy spots along the roads I travel, but a hurried stop is not necessarily conducive to coherent thinking and writing. Thus the gaps in regular posting on Conversations@Intersections.

I think as I drive, enjoying the lush trees and the fields that will soon be harvested. After long absences from the land of my birth, I notice things I formerly took for granted and take delight in them.

I found a geocache in a Clark Kent type phone booth this week. Nearby, at this old motel on Old National Road 40 which crosses East/West across the middle of the US were two old pop machines, one for Pepsi and one for Coke. They were the kind that glass bottles were stored in on their sides and then made a clunking journey down in to a slot after we'd put in our 25 cent coin. Probably much less than that in my mother's day.

I had root beer in a frosty mug this week and have eaten much Indiana corn on the cob.
Labor Day signals the end of Summer here, so I look to the changes Autumn brings and will anticipate apple cider and apple butter and some pumpkin pie, all things I didn't know the rest of the world weren't blessed with.

Each region has it's own delicacies and that is just one of the good parts of traveling. Going down for some biscuits & gravy now, a meal that would gross out most of the British Commonwealth!


Rachael said…
I've read about biscuits and gravy, but never tried them. How about you introduce us to them when you get back!