Do you blog?

Do you blog? Let me know where and we can connect the links in relevant conversations.

I was often clipping clever things I found online or trying to take notes on various topics of interest. I love well written arguments or discussions of meaningful issues. I was also looking for an outlet for my writing, a reason to write everyday and to develop ideas beyond what my journal required. If I'm the only one reading it, I write differently.

So, I started the blog. It has been tweaked and adjusted. I copy good content from elsewhere when I'm on the road too much or not able to string together complete sentences. If you look at the tags on the left, you'll see it is a conglomeration of ideas and topics I'm interested in.

I didn't know when I first linked it to my Facebook account that it would be posted on my wall! Mighta come across as arrogant to some, but then, that is supposed to be my network of friends. I have hopes it'll be more of a conversation with lots of comments, even conflicting comments that might broaden a horizon or a perspective.

So, I blog. Do you? Tell me where and why. I'll come & visit.
