Left iPod Behind on the Plane!!

Years ago my friend Cheryl bought some green mesh pouches for me from Barnes & Noble.
I love 'em! I use them to organise my books, paper, envelopes and pens when I travel. The smaller one I use for receipts, small loose items, etc. They've become nearly indispensable.

During my travels I've had opportunities to learn many things. Some of those lessons come from what my dad calls The School of Hard Knocks. I left a library book on the plane once. It had slid down into the pouch in the seat in front of me and, when collecting my possessions, I overlooked the book.

Knowing I needed to replace it, I bought a copy and took it to my local library with an apologetic story. Boy, was I even more sorry when the librarian told me they had to order replacement books through their central office so that they came in the right format and were properly encoded into the library system. I could take my newly purchased book home with me to keep, but I'd have to pay the library top dollar price to replace the one I'd lost.

Another friend in Auckland lost his iPod the same way.
In a hurry to gather his things and disembark, he left the iPod behind.
Nope, it was not turned in to Lost & Found by those who found it.

So now I use the lovely pouches Cheryl gave me to keep all my things together. I try to think ahead and arrange what I think I'll want inflight into the pouch. Then, when settling in, that pouch comes out of my carry on bag and goes directly into the seat pocket in front of me. All my loose items like books, pens, iPod, glasses, candy, etc are accessible to me, but not at risk. When I'm ready to get up and go, I zip up the pouch, return it to my carry on and walk away fairly confident that I have everything with me.

This habit of mine even caught the attention of a seasoned traveler recently!
I was happy to have a tip to pass on from The School of Hard Knocks.

While the pouches shown are a brilliant purple, mine are a lovely soft sage green.
See through mesh is best as you can tell at a glance what is in which pouch.
