Wisdom: the process or the journey.

Wisdom, the process or the journey, is more than arriving at answers. One of the best co-worker/mentors I had in my early days in Africa was David Grubbs. He hardly ever gave me answers to my questions. He responded with questions to help me arrive at answers or solutions in ways that those answers or solutions would really be mine, that I would have gained from the journey as well as arriving at the destination. His questions challenged me to think and to grow. Such a process takes longer than just dishing answers, but it is of far greater value in equipping, in mentoring leaders and servants.

Dave was ahead of his time as I think of young people today and how little they care about any answers I might try to give them. My answers do not fit them or their questions. Dialogue is far more important than declarations.

Read what Tash has to say from her experience in leading and being led . . .
"It's a really important idea and a major ideological shift from boomer-type leadership strategy to egalitarian GenY-friendly model. So, increasingly, in business, church & community leadership this method of sharing knowledge is really one of opening doors and creating opportunity for others to step into the conversation, offering something of their own to the collective whole, even if it's just presence to the conversation, that shapes and develops their own potential. All this, is influence." Tash McGill

"Why do I think this matters? Because historically in the last thirty years, especially in ministry circles, especially in youth ministry circles - we have struggled as a collective faith body, to make spaces and develop healthy dialogue around how and why we do what we do.

"So those that have struggled to find a place have moved the conversations they long for, into other, alternate spheres. This brings both great discovery, great adventure.. and sadness. Because the conversations that develop in separate worlds, by their nature, become so easily conflicted, instead of conducive to growth, mutual understanding and broadening of our worlds. As we grow new approaches to leadership - the young and emerging push and struggle for their place. But if they simply choose to separate for the long-haul - then we all suffer. Really, this is no more than stating the obvious in a more minute example of Phyllis Tickle's theory/observation of 'rummage sales'." See interview link below.

"The best teaching pastors I've ever had and still regard, are the ones who led me along with them to their conclusions and thoughts, because sharing the process invites healthy dialogue. Sharing the process enables the asking of questions about the journey, not simply arguing over the destination and conclusion. It teaches me and teaches the teacher. . . . sharing how we think, is an engaging and critical part of this 'wisdom'. It makes space for doubt, questions, hope, discussion and alternate endings.

"Share what you are learning and how you are learning and un-learning it - because it gives permission to those who long to do the same.

"Share wisdom, share your learning stories - don't settle for sharing answers, which ultimately, may not be the answer you need to offer at all"
All of the above are excerpts from Tash's blog.

Hear Phyllis Tickle interviewed by Steve Brown about how we got here:


Tash McGill said…
I am always so humbled and moved with the pieces you choose to repost here! Thank you so much much.

You will find yourself in paragraph #4, sentence #1.