Integrity Challenge

I found a credit card in Hamilton this weekend. I picked it up, but didn't know where the nearest police station was, so pocketed it, thinking I'd call the issuing bank when I got home.

Well, the issuing bank has a few phone numbers on the back of the card, but they are all in Brasil! The website is in Portuguese. Hmmm. Now what?

I'd like to get word to Marina so she doesn't need to 1) keep looking for her card thinking it's in those other jeans and 2) make sure that no one can use it at her expense.

I'm not interested in paying for a long distance call to Brasil to do this. Maybe she's a student at Waikato University? I'll email the chaplain there!

This is one of the things that people don't think about when they go out geocaching. We often find more than hidden waterproof containers in flax bushes! Sometimes we find interesting gardens or walkways or waterfalls. Sometimes we stumble in to a super cafe or enjoy a sunset we might have otherwise missed. We meet people and have conversatiosn on the way.

In January we found a whole wallet and took it to the nearby police station. They recognised the man staright away. Maybe he's a notorious local or maybe he loses his wallet often.

When's the last time you tried to do the right thing and it got complicated?
