I'm an ardent Mac user and I drink Dr. Pepper whenever possible. I appreciate the design of Bose headphones, Subaru cars and quality bound books. I enjoy the feel of a fountain pen in my hand, good shoes on my feet and a well made backpack.
Saying all of that, I've seen a couple of funny words this week that caught my attention. One on it's own probably would have been passed over, but another reminded me of the first.
I saw a big CT scanning machine that had Emotion written on it. I assume the E stood for electromagnetic in the imaging process and the motion is all around the patient as they lie on a bed and are run through a donut. But to call it emotion?
And then, looking up some info for a Tungsten T I'm resurrecting, I saw that that particular model is labeled Lifecycle: Mature. Hmm. I've liked my Palm devices, as I enjoy the use of other gadgets, but to liken them to a living organism, to label them as mature?
People have named their cars for years. Some people name their computer and use voice commands to control their electronics. We personalise our home pages, themes and the look of our computers or screens. I've not yet seen the recent movie that addresses substituting an object for a person in a relationship, but I've heard there are some valuable and powerful point made in the film.
Sometimes, I must admit, gadgets or cars or things are easier to get along with, to understand, to pass time with than people, but there's gotta be a healthy and an unhealthy line there somewhere.
It's Valentine season. Go spend some time with someone you love and respect. Plan a picnic or game night or something that is not about money, entertainment or stuff, but just about people in meaningful relationship with each other.
Bad examples:
Saying all of that, I've seen a couple of funny words this week that caught my attention. One on it's own probably would have been passed over, but another reminded me of the first.
I saw a big CT scanning machine that had Emotion written on it. I assume the E stood for electromagnetic in the imaging process and the motion is all around the patient as they lie on a bed and are run through a donut. But to call it emotion?
And then, looking up some info for a Tungsten T I'm resurrecting, I saw that that particular model is labeled Lifecycle: Mature. Hmm. I've liked my Palm devices, as I enjoy the use of other gadgets, but to liken them to a living organism, to label them as mature?
People have named their cars for years. Some people name their computer and use voice commands to control their electronics. We personalise our home pages, themes and the look of our computers or screens. I've not yet seen the recent movie that addresses substituting an object for a person in a relationship, but I've heard there are some valuable and powerful point made in the film.
Sometimes, I must admit, gadgets or cars or things are easier to get along with, to understand, to pass time with than people, but there's gotta be a healthy and an unhealthy line there somewhere.
It's Valentine season. Go spend some time with someone you love and respect. Plan a picnic or game night or something that is not about money, entertainment or stuff, but just about people in meaningful relationship with each other.
Note: The chiShona language of Zimbabwe, has 21 words for soil and only one word for love.
So, you use the same word for your favourite flavour of ice cream as you do for you father or child. Some cultures and languages focus on survival and allow other things to sort themselves out.
So, you use the same word for your favourite flavour of ice cream as you do for you father or child. Some cultures and languages focus on survival and allow other things to sort themselves out.
Bad examples:
Welcome to Object Love. This blog is a collection of love letters to products that we can't live without. Not merely a chronicle of "good products", here we only document the best, the truly life-changing products.Not much on it, but just an example that someone would use love in relation to an object.
what's the word for love in chiShona?
That's how many people spell "LOVE".