Who's Not There?

In Pax Roman, Pax Christi, Reuben Munn addressed the context of Christmas in Roman history. He also encourages us to look around in the midst of our merriment, our shopping, our fun, and see who is missing.

Who is not laden with packages in the malls?
Who is not eating and drinking and dancing?
It's the elderly, the lonely, the ones who've just lost a vital part of their lives, the sick, the marginalised, the family of someone in prison . . .

Look around. Who can we include?
To whom can we be nice and take just a little of that sharp edge off their sadness at Christmas?

Click to listen to Reuben.


Rachael said…
For one inspiration about what you can do - google 'postcard project' - Elizabeth is one women who cares, but has increasingly limited personal resources to offer, and is sending out postcards (individually chosen and each one differently decorated with stickers and stamps, and handwritten) to whoever asks for one. She's in Canada. I can tell you from experience, they are a treat to receive. You can send in names yourself, or maybe there's something similar that speaks to you....