When you find yourself glancing worriedly from your bank account balance back to the calendar this holiday season, it's time to ditch the catalogs and commercials, roll up your sleeves and get to doing it yourself. Everyone's cutting down on expenditures this year, but that doesn't mean you can't give thoughtful and creative gifts to your family and friends. Lifehacker readers are the craftiest and cleverist DIYers on the interwebs, so we want to see your handmade creations and DIY gift ideas. Submit photos of your holiday projects-in-progress, or maybe ones you've completed in past years, and we'll feature some of the best ones here throughout December. Break out your knitting needles, soldering guns, duct tape, and common household objects, and show us your best holiday stuff. What are you working on this year? Tell us about it in the comments and submit photos to our DIY Holiday Flickr group. Photo by Margarida Sardo.
By Gina Trapani, Mon Dec 1 2008, LifeHacker