Got a Pot, for Tea?

I have several different tea pots.

I don't think I use them according to my mood so much according to where I'm having my tea or with whom I'm enjoying it.

I have a lovely pot from Ireland. Pretty flowers, delicate, with a rim of gold leaf. My friends there sent me the cups to match sometime later!

One of my other favourites is from NZ Rail, crockery that's crackled and useful and squat so as to hug the surface on a moving train.

Then there's the big blue pot! It serves slightly bigger crowds

One of the funny stories told about me, which I don't think funny at all, is that when I buy a pot, whether for myself or for a friend, I'll ask for water in the shop so I can see how the spout performs. Does it drip? Who wants tea stains all over their tray cloth or on the table?

It's kind of like trying on a top or sitting in a chair before you buy it. Ever see people trying out a mattress in a store? Kinda like that.

There's something personal about a mattress, and about a tea pot. It only makes sense you'd not buy the first one off the shelf. That's not funny. That's just perfectly reasonable to a tea snob!

Come on, share your tea rituals or peeves. Requiring BOILING water is vital, but after that, what makes you cringe when someone else makes you a cup of tea? Name no names!
