Integrity: from Latin integrat- ‘made whole,’

integrate |ˈintiˌgrāt| verb [ trans. ]
combine (one thing) with another so that they become a whole :
• combine (two things) so that they become a whole : the problem of integrating the two approaches.
bring into equal participation in or membership of society or an institution or body : integrating children with special needs into ordinary schools.
• [ intrans. ] come into equal participation in or membership of society or an institution or body : she was anxious to integrate well into her husband's family.

Mathematics find the integral of.

ORIGIN mid 17th cent.: from Latin integrat- ‘made whole,’ from the verb integrare, from integer ‘whole’ (see integer ). Compare with integral and integrity .

integrate verb
combine, amalgamate, merge, unite, fuse, blend, mingle, coalesce, consolidate, meld, intermingle, mix; incorporate, unify, assimilate, homogenize; desegregate. antonym separate.

integral |ˈintigrəl; inˈteg-| adjective
1 necessary to make a whole complete; essential or fundamental : games are an integral part of the school's curriculum | systematic training should be integral to library management.
• [ attrib. ] included as part of the whole rather than supplied separately
• [ attrib. ] having or containing all parts that are necessary to be complete
2 Mathematics of or denoted by an integer.

integral adjective
an integral part of human behavior essential, fundamental, basic, intrinsic, inherent, constitutive, innate, structural; vital, necessary, requisite. antonym peripheral, incidental.

an integral approach to learning unified, integrated, comprehensive, composite, combined, aggregate; complete, whole. antonym partial, fragmented.
