Do you blog?

Do you blog?
Give me the link!

Or who else do you read?
Share the wealth!

I've listed some of my favourites in the side bar.
What about you? Give.


Anonymous said…
Hey Jill

Check out - Jews, Christians, and Muslims working together. At the end of the day, we're all after the same thing ...
Coloradonegrito said…
Hey Jill. I blog at and

Some of my favs are:
Rachael said…
I blogged about 4-5 times, as part of a specific project, but it's not something I'll keep doing - I don't have enought to say (contrary to opinion!) But you might like to check out this cool person, she has another blog which may be a bit not-your-thing, but her 'Postcard Project' is cool, and I'm her first person from NZ to request a postcard!
Also, I CAN comment on here from home, and can comment on others blogs from work computer, so don't know what the issues is - will continue to try to figure it out...
Jill said…
Thanks for responding! It's good to know who's out there! I'll follow those links and dig for gold.
I'm at a Multi-Faith Forum at Auckland University this week, so that link to might be a real help! Thanks!