Smart Technology: Evernote

What’s the toughest thing to remember?
While there are apps to help you with anniversaries, birthdays and other not-to-be-forgotten events, the people at Evernote

I used to email stuff to myself so I could access it on-the-go. While that's a good and free alternative, it's not the most efficient way to keep track of stuff. Web-based document systems and notebooks have their place too. Google has apps that I use and then some people swear by Backpack for its organisational & GTD potential.

Bookmarking is a start but it’s so hard to find anything in the sea of links, and pages do change or get erased. Evernote bills itself as a single place for all of your memories and treasures.

Memorable stuff is always happening, so we’ve created lots of ways for you to get that stuff into Evernote:
  • Create new notes using desktop, web, and mobile versions of Evernote
  • Take a snapshot using your camera phone or webcam. We'll even recognize the text in the image.
  • Clip entire webpages, screenshots, and just about anything else you can copy
  • Drag and drop content into the desktop clients for Mac and Windows
  • Email notes directly into your account using your personalized email address
  • Scan receipts, recipes, tags, brochures, and anything else into Evernote
  • Record audio wherever you are and listen to it whenever you want

How does Evernote do it?
Three steps:
01 You capture the things you want to remember using what you already use—your Windows or Mac computer, the web, and your mobile phone.
02 We run everything through our recognition technology and then make it all available across your devices. You can then organize and tag the notes, if you want.
03 When you want to remember something, just search for it and there it is just like you remember it.

For the ways people are using Evernote check out their blog posts and then continue on to the downloads or Create An Account if you want the online version.

So next time I go on a big trip, I can clip and collect all kinds of tips and maps and links and lists and recommendations and reviews and then I can have access to them without taking my computer along!
I don't get any kick back from these suggestions. I just like smart stuff.
