Examen is the Latin word for the pointer on a set of scales or balances. In the Christian context, it describes the practice of making an honest assessment of our life before God - our successes and failures, our rebellion and our obedience. This enables us to confess our sin and receive God's forgiveness, to discern potential strengths and weaknesses in our spiritual life, and to commit ourselves to realistic disciplines to promote our growth in Christlike character.
| Contemplative: The Prayer-filled life In what ways has God made his presence known to you since our last meeting? What experiences of prayer, meditation, and spiritual reading has God given you? What difficulties or frustrations have you encountered? What joys and delights? |
| Holiness: The Virtuous Life What temptations have you faced since our last meeting? How did you respond? Which spiritual disciplines has God used to lead you further into holiness of heart and life? |
| Charismatic: The Spirit-Empowered Life Have you sensed any influence or work of the Holy Spirit since our last meeting? What spiritual gifts has the Spirit enabled you to exercise? What was the outcome? What fruit of the Spirit would you like to see increase in your life? What disciplines might be useful in this effort? |
| Social Justice: The Compassionate Life What opportunities has God given you to serve others since our last meeting? How did you respond? Have you encountered any injustice to or oppression of others? Have you been able to work for justice and shalom? |
| Evangelical: The Word-Centred Life Has God provided an opportunity for you to share your faith with someone since our last meeting? How did you respond? In what ways have you encountered Christ in your reading of the Scriptures? How has the Bible shaped the way you think and live? |
| Incarnational: The Sacramental Life In what ways have you been able to manifest the presence of God through your daily work since our last meeting? How has God fed and strengthened you through the ministry of word and sacrament? Copyright © Renovare 2007 |