If your bags do not arrive with you, or are not couriered to you within a couple of days, they may end up at the Unclaimed Baggage Store, or a nearby op shop. Some tips from the Unclaimed Baggage Shop might be common sense, but you just might learn something helpful. Some crazy items they've found makes for interesting reading to. This place would make an excellent road trip for Goodwill or Salvation Army shoppers!
The L.A. Times has a page devoted to travel Q & A for Americans, with tips and info on its Travel Source Book 2008.
For packing tips and ideas, check out TRAVEL ADVICE, an earlier post on this blog.
The L.A. Times has a page devoted to travel Q & A for Americans, with tips and info on its Travel Source Book 2008.
For packing tips and ideas, check out TRAVEL ADVICE, an earlier post on this blog.