Right or Redeemed: Arrogant or Grateful?

I remember teaching the Life of Christ in a high school in Africa, coming to the parts about wealth, and struggling to engage my students in the conversation in such a way that it wasn't an US -vs- THEM kinda thing, i.e. Africans -vs- Others. It took me a few tries to get it right, but one day it all made sense, wealth is about choice or no choice, otherwise how do we ever define wealth in a way that is not relative to the richer or poorer around me?

Anyway, Don Miller discusses the famous Camel-Needle Eye picture in new material in his book Searching For God Knows What. Read on . . . .

If it’s harder for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get to heaven, it’s harder for an elephant to thread that needle than for a person who has right theology to not get arrogant. How many people do you know who have read one John Calvin book and threw it down in a spiral while doing a touchdown dance as though they’d accomplished something themselves?

Five years after releasing my third book, Searching for God Knows What, the publisher came to me and asked if they could reprint the book. The book has sold strong for all those years, and they wanted to bump it into a second life. As a writer, I was excited about the idea. Before Million Miles, Searching was the book I was most proud of, so I agreed to put a new cover on it and write some extra material.

(One of) The two main components I added to the book are a new introduction in which I argue that right theology has no redemptive power at all, that redemptive power only comes through a relationship with Jesus. I explain why right theology has become a false idol, and when it’s used as a pacifier to make us feel right rather than redeemed, it breeds arrogance and is bait for an offensive, controlling personality. Many Christian leaders belittle other pastors and thinkers in the name of right theology. This is distracting, and by distracting I mean it’s a song and dance that distracts people from seeing Christ.

Read the rest of Don's blog post at his site to get more of the new material.
