Saturday Night in.

I had planned to go in to the city tonight to Starlight Symphony. I want to hear Brooke Fraser and then the canons in the 1812 Overture by Tchaikovsky. I like the crowds and the hustle and bustle . . . the progression of darkness as it overtakes the day and the park.

But I’m tired. It’s been a full and busy few weeks. While I’d like to go out, my body seems to be sending another message, “Stay in. Stay down. Go slow.”

Many times in my life I’ve tried to cram too much in to too short of a time. I live life. I don’t spend time, I invest it, I use it, and I enjoy it. Sometimes I’ve overdone because of other people’s expectations. I’ve filled speaking dates, traveled far and said, “yes” when a “no” might have been more prudent.

Other times I’ve just been excited about various things and, not wanting to choose between them, tried to do them all. I think that’s normal for my temperament, but it’s no longer normal for my age!

Even on holidays I’ve tried to do too much and returned home more tired than when I left! What is it about this insatiable curiosity, this unrest, this compulsion to see what’s around the next turn in the road?

So tonight, I sit in the glow of my laptop screen with the twilight filtering in over my shoulder and calm music filling the nooks and crannies of the room and my mind. I’ve just eaten my fill of hummus on garlic pita crisps, cheese and fresh tomatoes from my “pot garden”. I rest. I am. I try to be in the moment without entertainment or distraction. Just be. It’s Saturday night and I’m right where I want to be.


Quote Collector said…
Some of us ARE becoming older..............but wiser too.

Woven and Spun said…
If I'd been there I would have dragged you to that event . . . sounds blissful. 1812, Brooke Fraser . . . didn't we do something like that in Cin'ti once with Becki?
But you are wise & I hope you went to bed happy to have had a peaceful time to refill & refresh.